TeAda began 2024 continuing its near decade-long collaboration with Program for Torture Victims’ (PTV) clientele of refugees and asylum seekers in a series of workshops that empowered and uplifted all participants and culminated in a public performance: Redefining Home, Stories of Reclamation. Including our partnership with PTV, we served over 500 people in 2024, delivering over 25 workshops as part of: a new arts residency we were awarded at USC; partnerships with fellow community arts and advocacy organizations; the development of our newest touring play; after and during-school programs, and more.
Thanks to the support of Los Angeles County Arts & Culture, TeAda was able to hire an intern for the Summer, Fall, and Winter of 2024! Gia Kim became our Programming & Marketing Intern in August 2024, and will finish their internship in January of 2025. They join TeAda’s Squad which more than doubled in size in 2023. TeAda is celebrating its first full year maintaining 5 full-time squad (staff) members: Leilani Chan, Ova Saopeng, Taloo Carrillo, Stephanie “Soultree” Camba, & Jonny Chang.
We traveled the world for the 13th Festival of Pacific Arts & Culture (FestPAC) in Hawai’i, the Theater Communications Group National Conference in Chicago, the National Institute for Directing and Ensemble Creation (NIDEC) in Minneapolis, and the International Theater Institute Conference in Europe.
In March 2024, TeAda premiered NOTHING MICRO ABOUT MICRONESIA, (NMAM) at Honolulu Theatre for Youth. In May, we returned to O’ahu to co-host the 7th Annual Asian Pasifika Theater Festival, ConFest Hawai’i 2024 which included a special performance of NMAM that played for a sold out audience made up of mostly Micronesian community members. Their response was emotional and heartfelt and spoke to the pride they felt in seeing their stories represented on stage and told by Pasifika/Oceania people. NMAM was seen by over 10,000 intergenerational audience members across 4 touring cycles, and 3 Hawaiian islands this year!
TeAda is gearing up to continue this tour in Guam, Saipan, and the continental U.S. in 2025. Support the tour by gifting a donation!
Nothing Micro About Micronesia Pacific Island Tour Workshop @ UH Hilo.
Here is a list of projects, plays, and collaborations we contributed to throughout the calendar year:
January - February: 8th year working with Program for Torture Victims (PTV) clientele/fellows – workshop series, culmination, and collaboration
February 17, 2024 REDEFINING HOME: Stories of Reclamation – Culmination performance inspired by TeAda methodologies, performers’/fellows’ stories of migration, survival, and self love
March - April: Premiere of NOTHING MICRO ABOUT MICRONESIA @ Honolulu Theater for Youth
Included over 20 shows (for schools and the public); performing for over 6,500 audience members
April 29: TeAda methodology workshop with doctors, clinicians, medical providers at the Malama Kidney Center
May: TeAda performs NOTHING MICRO ABOUT MICRONESIA @ UH Mānoa | Kennedy Theater
Co-hosts CAATA 7th Annual Asian Pasifika Theater Festival: ConFest Hawai’i, 2024
June 7 - 9: Writing/TeAda methodology/Digital Storytelling workshop with youth leadership advisory board at Humboldt County Transition Age Youth Collaboration (HCTAYC) in Daly City, CA
June 15: TeAda methodology workshop for Los Angeles community members, Let’s Go To Da TeAda funded by the Los Angeles Department of Cultural Affairs
June: TeAda squad travels to Chicago to participate in the Theater Communications Group (TCG) National Conference
TeAda attends and facilitates panel at the National CAPACD Convention in Chicago.
June - July: TeAda travels to Minnesota for National Institute of Directing & Ensemble Creation (NIDEC)
August - September: TeAda Digital Storytelling Program and collaboration with UC Santa Barbara Theater Department, Santa Barbara Data Reporting Center, Santa Maria Data Reporting Center, & Santa Barbara County Department of Probation
September 12: TeAda Methodology Workshop for the USC School of Dramatic Arts Program (USC SDA)
September 12 - present: TeAda Productions selected as inaugural Artist-in-Residence for the USC SDA
Conducted monthly, community workshops with USC theater community (September 2024-Spring 2025)
Invited TeAda Impact Fellows, community ensemble performers, PTV fellows to perform in November production of AS YOU LIKE IT
September 17 - 26: TeAda attends the International Theater Institute Congress in Belgium and Antwerp
October - November: TeAda community ensemble members perform in USC SDA’s November production of AS YOU LIKE IT
October 1: TeAda Methodology Workshop for CSU Long Beach Project Resilience + Asian American Studies Program
October 4: TeAda Methodology Workshop for USC SDA
October 19 - 26: Pacific Island Tour of NOTHING MICRO ABOUT MICRONESIA in Hilo & Maui
Hilo Performance & Workshops at Pacific Youth Empowerment for Success (PACYes); facilitated workshop for over 100 Micronesian youth; performed excerpt of NMAM for over 250+ intergenerational Micronesian audience members
Performances at UH Hilo Performing Arts Center
Included 2 school shows and 1 public performance; performing for over 1,750 audience members
Performances at Maui Arts & Cultural Center
Included over 2 school shows and 1 public performance; performing for over 750 audience members
November - December: Preparation & Planning for – Nothing Micro About Micronesia Spring 2025 Tour; Artistic Collaboration with Program For Torture Victims; TeAda CreAtive Healing Lab
November 13: TeAda Methodology Workshop for USC SDA
December: End-of-year Fundraising Campaigns
TeAda Productions is supported in part by funding from the California Arts Council, City of Los Angeles Department of Cultural Affairs (DCA) Workforce Empowerment Grant and the Arts Project Grant, Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors through the Los Angeles County Arts Commission. The National Endowment for the Arts Grants for Arts Projects, Hawaii People’s Fund, MAP Fund, New England Foundation for the Arts (NEFA), Kim Coco Iwamoto, Max Yarawamai
Development and Touring for NMAM is made possible by support from the following:
The New England Foundation for the Arts, NEFA,
The MAP Fund, which invests in performing artists and their work as the critical foundation of imagining and co-creating a more equitable and vibrant society.
HAWAII People’s Fund,and The National Endowment for the Arts, NEA.
Continue to support TeAda’s future tours and transformative programming at teada.org/donate.
This year TeAda Productions…
Maintained 5 full-time staff members for the first time in its history, and hired a Programming/Marketing Intern!
Traveled to 6 places for the Nothing Micro About Micronesia Tour, Convenings for Professional Development
Hawaii, Illinois, Minnesota, Belgium, Amsterdam, California
Traveled over 30,000 miles
Attended 7 conferences and festivals
Facilitated 25 workshops in Los Angeles and Southern California; and 10 workshops in Hawaii, Minnesota, and Northern California.
Performed Nothing Micro About Micronesia 34 times on Oahu, Maui, and Moku o Keawe (Big Island of Hawai’i)
Performed Nothing Micro About Micronesia for over 40 schools across 3 Hawaiian islands.
Performed for over 10,000 audience members and attendees.
Partnered with 16 community organizations, 4 presenters of NMAM, and 4 buses to support intergenerational Pasifika and Micronesian community members to attend the play.