Impact Report
TeAda Productions is a nomadic theater of color rooted in the stories of immigrants and refugees. Through theater workshops and performances, TeAda is committed to healing and honoring the lives of the displaced, exploited and overlooked. Our artistic process starts and ends with conscious listening, community building, and creative courage. TeAda began in 1996 as a means of providing opportunities for people of color to develop their artistry and bring marginalized voices into the public dialogue. TeAda’s plays are developed through community-based story gathering and a devised ensemble theater process. Current touring plays developed through this process include Refugee Nation, (the 1st nationally touring play about Laotian Refugees in the U.S.) and Global Taxi Driver (a play based on the stories of Taxi Drivers and the effects of technology on this gateway profession). TeAda’s Creative Self Care workshop series is entering it’s 3rd year at the UCLA Labor Center in downtown L.A.