ways to support the
“Nothing Micro About Micronesia” tour

Nothing Micro About Micronesia Campaign
Click the “Support Nothing Micro About Micronesia” button to:
Support the play’s InterIsland and Oceania tours; more community outreach for workshops, programs, performance, and audition opportunities; and to expand the reach of this significant play that covers migration, climate change, decolonization, justice, and more connected to the Micronesian experience in Hawai’i, Micronesia, and beyond.
As we continue to book venues for our tour, any donation will support us being able to provide more community member access to our shows, while supporting the Touring Ensemble’s travel, food, lodging, booking and additional touring costs.
NOTE: Our payment processor(s) takes a fee out of each donation we receive. If you add the transaction fee to your donation (3% extra), TeAda receives 100% of your gift.