“Partnered Thai Massage: Exercises in Unconditional Loving Kindness”
Saturday, April 5th, 2025 @ 10am PST | West Los Angeles, CA
Thai massage is a practice rooted in unconditional loving kindness that can be beneficial for both the giver and the receiver! Learn full-body techniques to help release tension in your legs, hips, back, shoulders, etc.
Saturday, April 19th, 2025 @ 10am PST | West Los Angeles, CA
In this 2-hour session, you will be immersed in mantra chanting and the healing sounds of crystal singing bowls as you move through guided meditation, movement, breath work, and journal reflection.
Saturday, May 3rd, 2025 @ 10am PST | West Los Angeles, CA
Creating and learning in community with no expectations of perfection or productivity combined with the physical act of finger-knitting with soft yarns offers healing during these tumultuous times.
“LIVED IN: Character Building Through Self-Exploration”
Saturday, May 17th, 2025 @ 10am PST | West Los Angeles, CA
It is a workshop for storytellers who are wanting to develop fictional characters that move on the page. But it will also allow you to reflect on what moves you.
“LIVED IN: Character Building Through Self-Exploration”
Saturday, June 7th, 2025 @ 10am PST | West Los Angeles, CA
Discover the truth of your journey and excavate the gifts, lessons, talents and superpowers you've cultivated. You'll reframe your story through the lens of self love to reflect your perfection and honor your agency.
Saturday, March 22nd, 2025 @ 10am PST | West Los Angeles, CA
This acting class will explore the depth and breadth of character creation through exploration of our imagination, movement, and voice using TeAda's methodology.
“Words Move Through Me: A Writing Workshop Utilizing Movement”
Saturday, March 8th, 2025 @ 10am PST | West Los Angeles, CA
Our bodies hold the words we need to write our plays, our short stories, our lives. We will explore identity, loss, and rebirth as they live as words in our bodies.
In this in-person event, we celebrate the stories shared throughout this collaborative workshop that cover themes of belonging, transformation, and home.
A Theatrical & Culmination Performance by Program for Torture Victims & TeAda Productions
UtahPresents, a multi-disciplinary presenter at the University of Utah, brings diverse artistic and cultural experiences to campus and the region, exploring and enriching the human experience through the lens of creativity and the arts. Register Here
Following three youth who have fled their island nations due to environmental and economic pressures and must now overcome conflicts of identity in their new home of Hawai'i, Masters of the Currents is a theatrical journey inspired by multigenerational voices of Micronesians living in the Aloha State today. Register Here
TeAda Talks is a yearly conversation that brings together artists, arts administrators, cultural workers and inclusion, diversity and equity practitioners together for a chat and chow. Enjoy an afternoon of dialogue and networking with individuals committed to using creative social change to meet the challenges of our current times. The afternoon is hosted by TeAda Productions Board of Directors. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/teada-productions-annual-fundraiser-tickets-164053633835 http://www.teada.org/teada-talks
TeAda Productions is a nomadic theater of color rooted in the stories of immigrants and refugees. Through theater workshops and performances, TeAda is committed to healing and honoring the lives of the displaced, exploited and overlooked. Our artistic process starts and ends with conscious listening, community building, and creative courage. TeAda began in 1996 as a means of providing opportunities for people of color to develop their artistry and bring marginalized voices into the public dialogue. TeAda’s plays are developed through community-based story gathering and a devised ensemble theater process. Current touring plays developed through this process include Refugee Nation, (the 1st nationally touring play about Laotian Refugees in the U.S.) and Global Taxi Driver (a play based on the stories of Taxi Drivers and the effects of technology on this gateway profession). TeAda’s Creative Self Care workshop series is entering it’s 3rd year at the UCLA Labor Center in downtown L.A.